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Social Commentary

Gun, Ammunition Handed In Days Into Amnesty Period 

In a recent update from the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force (RSCNPF), it was reported that one firearm with ammunition were surrendered eight days into the gun amnesty period.

First cohort of 9-1-1 Emergency Dispatchers on Nevis receive international public safety certification 

Thirteen individuals have successfully completed the NEVCOM Telecommunicator Training ahead of the implementation of the Nevis 9-1-1 Emergency Dispatch System.

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Our Universal Connection: Day Turned Into Night Spectacle

In this world, there exists countless wonders yet to be discovered as well countless moments of awe yet to be experienced presently and for generations to come. One of the most awe-inspiring moments we get to witness as human beings-those of us who are physically able to do so- is looking up at the stars and wondering about the universe  through thought-provoking yet intriguing internal questions or engaging conversations which continuously inspire and amaze us.

Why Litter?

Unfortunately in some people’s minds, littering seems to be a minor offense or just not a big deal to be fussing about.

What Does Easter Mean To You?

While there continues to be in some people’s mind debate about the name ‘Easter’, many Christians hold fast that through the recollection captured in Biblical scriptures, the events surrounding the divine significance of the resurrection in the aftermath of crucifixion is factual and is the bigger picture of this holiday period.

Teach Our Children Sportsmanship By Example

A recent episode at a sporting event for primary school athletes unfortunately set a different tone; not by the children but by some of the parents who apparently were in verbal disagreement with accusations of cheating which created quite a stir of public debate.


On topic of mental well-being, Clinical Mental Health Counsellor and President of the St.Kitts Mental Health Association Zahra Jacobs, is calling on society to be more mindful, particularly in how boys are taught and told how to express their emotions.

Hip Hip Hooray For The Orange Economy

Editorial Friday 14th July 2023 Many of us enjoy the arts and culture and all...

Crime Prevention Is Everybody’s Business, Right?

On the subject of crime, especially gun violence, there is always a divide among our people-be it political, personal or otherwise. As our natural human emotions would dictate, there is never a shortage of the collective expressions of sadness, shock, anger, disappointment as well as advice sharing on possible solutions to remedy the situation.

No One is Above the Law

Locally, we often make reference to people being humbled when brought before the court despite whatever unruly public display of attitude or personality trait because ‘In dey no like out ya.’

EDITORIAL: Young People Please Behave (Friday 25th August 2023)

Of course this message goes out to all the young people who have the opportunity and potential to change their naughty behavior. I do not mean the naughty childhood behaviour that all of us experience growing up which warrants being grounded, placed in the naughty corner, get a disciplinary spanking or timeout from electronic devices. Nope.

Say No To Idle Hands This Summer

Editorial-Friday 28th July 2023 There is an old local well-known proverb ‘Idle hands are the...

Collective CARICOM voice for recovery at IMF-World Bank meetings

The response by policymakers of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to the depth of COVID-19’s effects on Caribbean economies needs to be urgently reviewed, particularly regarding debt.

G. A. Dwyer Astaphan, Commentary 7 April, 2021

Some weeks ago, I raised the matter of the Solar Energy Plant that is proposed for Needsmust, close to the present Government-owned Power Plant. The Solar Plant is to be owned and operated by a Swiss Company named Leclanché.

Latest articles

Gun, Ammunition Handed In Days Into Amnesty Period 

In a recent update from the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force (RSCNPF), it was reported that one firearm with ammunition were surrendered eight days into the gun amnesty period.

First cohort of 9-1-1 Emergency Dispatchers on Nevis receive international public safety certification 

Thirteen individuals have successfully completed the NEVCOM Telecommunicator Training ahead of the implementation of the Nevis 9-1-1 Emergency Dispatch System.

Douglas Responds to “Baseless” Claims by MSR

Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Economic Development and Investment Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has issued a rebuttal to a recent civil claim filed by MSR Hotels & CO. Ltd., MSR Media International LLC, and Philippe Martinez concerning St.Kitts-Nevis’ Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme.

PM Drew Says Gov’t “Ahead of the Game” in CBI Good Governance 

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, Minister of National Security and Finance, has restated his government's commitment to good governance and regulation of the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme, highlighting the criminalization of underselling and discounting of passports as one of the key steps put in place under his new administration upon taking office.