BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, October 10, 2024 (SKNIS) – Members of the medical fraternity in St. Kitts and Nevis will soon be exposed to the latest trends, patient-care strategies and technological breakthroughs in the field of endoscopy, when the twin-island Federation hosts the Caribbean Society of Endoscopic Surgeons’ Twelfth Annual Scientific Conference from November 14 – 16, 2024.
The three-day conference will feature live surgical demonstrations performed at the Joseph N. France (JNF) General Hospital by renowned surgeons, as well as general discussions on pertinent issues such as Resilient Health Systems in the Caribbean, and interactive workshops.
Chief of Surgery at the JNF General Hospital, Dr. Joylette Woodley-Fassale, said the conference represents a unique opportunity for local doctors, particularly those who have recently joined the field, to learn firsthand from some of the best endoscopic surgeons.
“We will have doctors from across the region and internationally here and these doctors are coming with so many skills and capabilities that would be good for our staff and younger doctors to be exposed to,” said Dr. Woodley-Fassale, who is also scheduled to perform one of the live surgical procedures.
The Chief of Surgery noted also that the three-day gathering provides the perfect platform for medical professionals in St. Kitts and Nevis to network and establish professional relationships with renowned surgeons from around the world.
“Sometimes the difference in saving a life is just picking up a phone and calling someone in Jamaica and asking them ‘what do you think’ and they can give you an answer,” Dr. Woodley-Fassale. “We no longer practice medicine in a silo or in a cocoon and this is what this conference is trying to achieve by bringing in all of these doctors.”
Consultant General Surgeon and Subspecialist in Endoscopy, Dr. Mark Grant, supported the sentiment expressed by Dr. Woodley-Fassale about the importance of networking and capacity building during the November 14-16 conference.
“Practicing medicine in silos is just not good medicine. However, having colleagues in different parts of the Caribbean that we can call upon either for advice or to be able to come here to provide assistance where the expertise may not be is such a big factor of what will come out of this conference,” said Dr. Grant. “So it is more than just the physical cases, it’s more than just showcasing the equipment, it’s more about building a system that could lead to capacity-building.”
Meanwhile, Prime Minister and Minister of Health, the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, highlighted during the October 08 edition of the Roundtable that recent upgrades at the JNF General Hospital have enabled St. Kitts and Nevis to host a conference of this scale.
“We have upgraded so significantly that we can hold these types of conferences and have live demonstrations that [usually] take place in big institutions, and that is why I say we are advancing and that we have come a very long way,” said Prime Minister Dr. Drew.
On October 08, 2024, the St. Christopher and Nevis Social Security Board handed over two state-of-the-art endoscopy machines and two colonoscopy machines to the JNF General. These vital pieces of equipment will assist greatly in the successful staging of next month’s Caribbean Society of Endoscopic Surgeons’ Twelfth Annual Scientific Conference.