The New Basseterre High School And The Aquifer By Earle Clarke: 14/06/2017


It seems as if our forced ripe leaders of today are hell bent in turning back the clock, and it also seems as if we do not care one damn (no apology) about the fate of our children as they suffer this enormous set back to their future aspirations. When our present generation is unable to perform in the job market, would the cure or the answer to the problem be to bring into the country, others who are more qualified and competent to perform the jobs that our children should have been prepared to do? Too Late! Too Late! Shall be our cry, for those who kept our children down for mere political reasons would have already migrated to far away lands, laughing their heads off at the way they were able to dupe us; at the way they were able to leave our children squirming in the dark clouds of ignorance and helplessness.

Laughing their heads off at the way they were able to keep we the parents in silent mode as they ransacked the future of our children. And you know what? They would have every right to scoff at us, for, if we as parents could allow them to do this to our children, we are totally undeserving of being called or even referred to as PARENTS!

We were in possession of a Basseterre High School, a well constructed, well equipped High School which served those who run our Government today, but those same students of yesterday, who are our representatives today, seem to have adopted the mentality of the proverbial crab of pulling down our children of today, by depriving them of a good, decent and thorough education. They have an education and to hell with those children; they are kicking down the ladder, so that our children do not become qualified like them because their idea, their thinking and their attitude is, “Too many ordinary people’s children are occupying high offices and positions in the land!”

They are committing treason and genocide on our children and we are failing in our duty as parental Police Officers to bring them before the Court of the People to answer these charges. We aught to be ashamed of ourselves! Animals protect their brood more defensively, than we protect our children. Just like how the power of life and death lies in the power of the tongue, just so, the FATE of our children lies in the power of our hands. They are our pickneys and we should be protecting them with our very lives if needs be! What kind of parents are we to allow these force ripe representatives to lull us into believing that the Basseterre High School is contaminated, is old and that we need a new Basseterre High School? All the reports which were published for everyone to read, tells us that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the school that a little soap and water cannot rectify, or remedy? No fumigating. Just a little soap and water, a task which could be performed by the students themselves in their muftis

Do the students who study at Oxford University where the first reading to the assembled dons took place in 1188 (829) years ago and where the first overseas student was admitted in 1190(827) years ago now need a new University because Oxford is too old? Do the students of Cambridge University which was built in 1209 now need a new University because Cambridge is some 808 years old? Harvard University in the USA was built in 1636 some 381 years ago need to be abandoned and a new structure built? Yale was built in 1701(316 years), Penn University1740(277 years), Princeton 1746 (271 years), The Old Treasury Building which is presently used as our National Museum was built in 1894 (123 years), The Governor General’s House at Springfield, West Basseterre, was built 1833-1834(183 years) With a little fixing up, wasn’t it restored to livable conditions? The St. Georges Anglican Church was originally built by the Jesuit Priests in 1670.