Many who were persuaded that Timothy Harris was a better leader but was being denied that opportunity by Douglas, now see the wisdom of Douglas’s actions.

Just what is happening is what Douglas predicted.

Sadly, Dwyer knew, and Sam knew.

But they were willing to sacrifice our economy and our people to get back at Douglas for whatever falling out that they had with him.

Now their business is on Facebook. Put there by the very people they put in the highest positions.

And all of the original inner circle is gone. Replaced after they would have been first respondents. Replaced by people who were hiding out in long grass.

For the beast was released after 15th February, 2015. And many in the inner circle were shocked at the nature of the beast and fled the inner circle in horror and shame.

So we have a duty to rescue the federation. Rescue it from the young men who have lost their way and rescue it from a government who never knew the way.